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Wolf Trap is a band which was formed in Ostrava in

winter 2012. 

This band is interested in electro-rock'n'roll, stoner, black metal.

The crew has 2 constant members LILI&EDGAR and 1 hosting member.



2012  Plan B hardcore café, Ostrava

2012  Black crow club, Ostrava

2013  Deep mind, Ostrava

2013  Sam 83 gallery, Česká Bříza

2013  České Budějovice

2013  Poldofka club, Kladno

2013 U-turn club, Mladá Boleslav

2013 Cumbajšpíl, Chomutov

2013 Azyl, Liberec

2014 Kokpit, Praha

2014 Klub piakny pes, Krakow (PL)

2014  Chapeau Rouge, Praha

2015 Restaurace "Na střelnici", Uničov

2015 Plan B hardcore café, Ostrava

2015, Cross club, Praha

2013 JUNKTOWN festival

2015  Psy - high festival

2015  Rock café, Praha

2015  Melodka, Brno

2016  Plan B hardcore café, Ostrava

2016 Majáles Ostrava

2016 Fakulta umění, Ostrava

2017 Underdogs', Praha

2017 Fatal, Praha












Gallery 13 has been opened in late fall 2013 by vernissage of melancholy tattoo pics by Mirek Kopinec.

This non-profit, non-orthodox and underground gallery is situated in old and almost empty building in centre of Ostrava where the exhibitions are made from 13 golden frames or 13 artist's stuff.

Except Mirek we had here these artists:

Graeme McKinnon (, Markéta Garai (, Ivars Gravlejs (, Mark Ther (, Anna Janovská (, Tomáš Motal.


Our facebook page:


Project Maryna represents a group of 5 to 10 people (mainly women and one homosexual man) who have in their programe critique of classic and contemporary art, conjoint performaces by which they wittily comment ongoing quality of conceptual art, action art in public space, discussion about modern architecture and many others.


Maryna is the only one and what does one member of this kunstgrüpe, it’s naturally concerned to other members. Maryna doesn’t care about whimper people, too much morale people or people who sleep on parties in her team. Maryna is tough, resolute and critically open group which have common passion for artist Marina Abramović, see food, feminine theme, sharp critique and historians who know where to point.


This art project - which have been formed in Berlin in 2013 and which have made countless actions which were made in two evenings by which was Maryna invited on next year of festival Month of performance art - has the task to churn up backwater of west stuffy direction in art when Maryna helps many artist come out from their mindfucked condition and also helps them to realize their own identity on art scene, helps them to open their eyes and ears and because of all of this, Maryna is very helpfull in many corners of  art world as you know it!





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